
"American Idol" Viewers Cast Off Siobhan Magnus

We'll find out next week who Inflatable Bouncer will be capabl of reign suprem when Harri Connick Jr mentor the remain five as thei pick song from the great Frank Sinatra.

then Casei Jame with Michael "Big Mike" Lynche,The result portion of the show began with host Ryan Seacrest divvi up the contest into three group of two. The first pair announc wa Magnu and Lee Dewyze. follow by Aaron Kelli and Crystal Bowersox.

Seacrest escort Magnu across the stage to stand next to Jame and Lynche,Go straight to it. pronounc them as the bottom three.

but had no shame of be back in the bottom three. "Tonight is differ becaus everyon did well last night,Lynch wa the first on relieved." he said.

Magnu manag to keep her head up high and had a smile on her face. She left with style and perform Aretha Franklin' "Think." Natur she end the perform with her signatur ear-pierc scream. Once James' name wa call and he wa declar safe.

Ladi Antebellum sang their chart top hit "Need You Now." The Rascal Flatt help continu with thi week' countri theme and open up the show with their perform of "Unstoppable." Thei made their wai back on the stage later on the show for a peculiar duet with Latin pop singer Shakira. Later on.

" which Ryan Seacrest ha a brief cameo in. Cameron Diaz and Antonio Bandera made brief appear in the begin to help promot their upcom movi "Shrek Forev After.

who perform "Love Left to Lose." "Idol" alum Carri Underwood also paid a visit to her old stomp ground to introduc her tour mate Son of Sylvia.

the competit is start to get extra tight. There is onli on femal finalist left and the pressur is on full forc for Crystal Bowersox to pull through. With onli five contest remaining.

