
The Amazing African Grey Parrot

well-being, InflatableJumpersTrain It s also import to note the necess of keep the African Grei Parrot in a cage when not train or handl them. Routin is necessari for the health. and safeti of your African Grei Parrot. Becaus of their high intelligence, African Grei Parrot ar a curiou and sensit bird. Thei will easili pick up bad habit if not kept to a stimul and regiment routine. Handling, cuddling, and train them on a regular basi and then put them their cage when not be handled, ensur that your African Grei companion will be happi and safe. Watch close for sign of unhappiness, such as feather picking, biting, or chewing. Note these chang in thi sensit parrot s behavior will creat awar to the need of adjust their routine

purchas African Grei Parrot as pet ar grow in popularity. With the proper understanding,delight breed of bird to own as a pet. Becaus of their uniqu and amaz abil to learn hundr of word and mimic their owners. care, and love, pet owner can find companionship and lifelong friendship in thi brilliant breed.

Two Main Sub-Species

ar consid a medium size parrot rang 10-14 inch long ,Ther ar two main sub-speci of the African Grei Parrot breed. Both sub-speci make excel pets. and live 60-80 years. When choos a sub-speci of the African Grei Parrot, it realli just come down to person preference. The first sub-speci is the Timneh "Tim-ney" African Grei Parrot. Timneh Grei ar dark charcoal grei in color, have dark maroon tails, and have light or bone color beaks. Thei ar also consider smaller than the Congo Grei African Parrot.

usual have a white mask face,Th Congo Grei ar the second sub-speci and ar lighter grei in color. an all black beak, and have a lighter red or sometim even coral or salmon color tail feathers. Either sub-speci make endear pet and can easili be train to mimic, speak, and do variou tricks, specif when hand fed.

it is import to be awar of it background. Know whether it come from the wild or come from a breeder is essential. The African Grei Parrot will be easier to train and handl if purchas from a reput breeder that ha integr hand feed or hand rearing. Hand rear is the feed the babi African Grei Parrot from birth to 10-12 week of ag while handl them. Thi will ensur that the African Grei bond with their human owner and ar complet tame. Thi will give the parrot an easi start to mimic and speech trainingWhen consid the purchas of an African Grei Parrot as a pet..

Keep Your Parrot on a Routine

