
How to Prevent Heron Theft

it mai seem PandaBellyBouncer that the Heron ha got all the fish,3 Creat a hide place in your pond for your Koi. More natur Koi pond owner have notic that after a Heron attack a pond. onli to notic that the Koi start appear from strang hide place onc the scare is over. If you purpos provid a place for your Koi to hide in the event of an attack, you greatli reduc the amount of fish that a Heron will leav with. Do not worri about your Koi hide from you, as thei should know and trust that you will not hurt or eat them.

majest bird that have on major flaw. Heron love to feast on Koi,Heron ar beautiful. and where better then to find Koi then an unattend Koi pond or garden?

you mai not even think of these bird as a danger. Heron ar 2 or 3 feet tall,When you first notic a Heron in your garden. with an extrem larg wingspan. Thei appear to be extrem grace until you realiz that the beauti sight you were just look at could have potenti been a thief caught in the act.

chanc ar a Heron is to blame. You mai even notic larg gap hole in the side of your Koi. Thi happen when a Heron attempt to catch on of your Koi,If you notic that your fish ar miss in action. but doe not get a good grip on it. Other will notic their Koi lai on the lawn sever feet awai from the pond, which is the result of a Heron drop the Koi after remov it from the pond. While noth can complet stop thi from happening, you can do a few thing to detour Heron from eat your pride stock of Koi.

you will quickli find that these type of detour will onli work for a small amount of timeWhil there ar mani type of technic equip avail to attempt to detour Herons..

until mate season comes. Heron will be more like to land near your plastic Heron when thei ar look for a mateSom pond owner place a fake plastic Heron into their garden. Thi is suppos to detour anoth Heron from land there. Thi work for part of the season..

or just find a wai around itVari other type of equip attempt to detour Heron by caus them discomfort. Thi onli work until the Heron get us to it..

but it will greatli reduc the presenc of themTh onli wai to protect your Koi is by watch out for them. A few simpl thing will not prevent Heron from visit your pond..

you mai consid enlist other to visit your pond as well. Older,1 Constantli chang your routine. Heron ar smart and know when you will typic be present. Visit your pond frequent at variou time dure the dai will greatli increas the chanc that you will catch the Heron in action. If you ar unabl to vari your routine. trustworthi children in the neighborhood mai delight in visit your pond at variou time of the day. Give them permiss to visit whenev thei want will allow other to visit when you ar unabl to.

make as much nois and frighten the Heron as much as you physic can. Shout,2 If you catch a Heron in the act. yell, throw things, or whatev you feel will scare the Heron. The more frighten the Heron is, the less chanc he is to return anytim soon.

