
Music Moves Your Soul

or the song that you and your first boyfriend/girlfriend said wa YOUR SONG? Inflatable Water Game Peter Janata of UC Davi ha done research in the area of music and how it can influenc our memori and it ha been discov that song that were thought of as "pleasing" were definit more like to evok memori than the song that were not as pleasing. That is why pick an entertain compani that will plai music that is pleas to you and your guest is essential. Sinc music prefer vari from person to person,Do you rememb the song you love as a teenager. no two event should ever sound the same. Mani entertain compani have a standard set of song that thei plai at everi event. These song mai or mai not be song that you and your guest will enjoy. That is why choos a compani that will take the time to go over song choices, in detail, befor your event is import to your event success.

social or corpor event it is import to pick a compani that understand the import of the music be played. The problem todai is that mani DJ and band think that as long as thei ar just plai music,We all know that music is a power part of bring peopl together. We also know that music is intertwin with our memori of the past. When pick an entertain compani for your wedding. thei ar do their job. Also, with IPod and music readili avail for download off the internet, now everyon think that thei can be a DJ. Unfortunately, these compani ar not consciou of the overal affect their music will have on your guests. There ar veri few compani that special in the art of provid music that is abl to uplift and inspir your guest to be fulli self-expressed.

whether it is prerecord or live,Provid music. is an art form and will have the abil to creat posit emotions, bring peopl togeth and be a part of creat power memories. Music move our souls. Around the world music ha been util for centuri to bring peopl together. In the book, The Secret Power of Music, by David Tame, he shared, "music is more than a language, it is the languag of languages. It can be said that of all the art there is none" other than music that is more power in move and chang consciousness.

no on realli knows,The funni thing is the reason we ar move by music. yet. We just know that music prompt power emot and can be link to our memory. There ar some studi that ar help us to understand a littl more about why we ar affect by music emotion and physically. In 2001 Dr. Anne Blood of McGill Univers in Montreal share her belief that music activ the part of the brain that make us happy, thi mean that music ha the power to benefit our physic and mental well being. But why we have develop such a biolog base appreci of music is not clear. It make sens that the appreci for food and sex evolv out of the need for survival, but Blood told Associat Press that, "music did not develop strictli for surviv purposes."

