
Indie Bands and the New Music Model

it took the Lord kill off mani of these Israelit in the wilder befor the younger gener wa abl to enter the Promis Land. Human Spheres I fear thi is what' happening... some of the best indi group ar either thrive or go awai unabl to sustain themselv monetarilyIt' like our deliver or Mose ha come in the internet but musician ar so condit to be slave that thei prefer to be miser in Egypt. If you know the Bible..

do record sessions,So I'm an indi musician and a pretti good on at that. I start plai bass profession in colleg with indi groups. cover band and jazz gigs; but grew tire of plai behind peopl so I began the tediou process of identifi my own sound as a songwrit and vocalist.

Hard than I thought it would be.

I had alwai second-guess the indi artist that I wa plai behind think that I could do much better. Mani had a veri low music IQ ha far as instrument wa concern and I de-valu the art of write qualiti lyrics,You see. have an identifi vocal style and be abl to pull that off both live and in record sessions.

but it' come a long wai and I'm a much humbler man have experienc the growth I need to go through as a musician. But I'm glad that it took me thi long to identifi my sound and plai style: becaus the music industri is in the middl of a paradigm shiftMi record stuff isn't perfect..

A paradigm shift be a massiv chang sort of like what we ar experienc in our economy. But unfortun the music industri ha been go through thi for the past decade.

When thing ar broken to begin with and the power that be the Major Label have such a strangl hold on the market it is go to take a long time to deconstruct.

Especial if the top indi band continu to be stupid.

Thi is the most empow awesom time to be a musician in the histori of the world! I sai thi confid becaus I make my live as a cross between a music artist and an internet marketer. Life is good.

innov music target everi countri in the world. Peopl love good music...thei also appreci it be freeI am live proof that there is more monei to be made through build a loyal follow and give good quality..

Even the obscur underground indi band have the abil to influenc an audienc in wai that most market onli dream of having. There is life beyond CD sale or digit downloads; look at the deal just sign by MySpac and the Major Labels:

I know for a fact that the monei gener by the ad surround an indi band' MySpac page gener more incom than the revenu the artist make from their downloads. The Label know thi as well and have a revenue-shar deal work out with MySpac and unfortun the indi artist don't get a cut.

