
Van Heusen Swings to Loss on Charge

the compani slightli click it or ticket begins today rais it full-year profit forecast,Look ahead. project earn in the rang of $3.55 to $3.65 a share, includ the impact of the Hilfig transaction. Previously, the rang of the forecast wa $3.50 to $3.58 a share, includ Hilfiger. The compani also predict that same-stor sales, or sale at store open at least a year, would grow between 4% and 5%, up from earlier guidanc of 2%-3% growth.

Chief Execut Emanuel Chirico said that even though store traffic wa down slightly,In an interview. more peopl were bui at higher averag prices. Sale were strong at all wholesal account in the U.S., he said, includ J.C. Pennei Co., Kohl' Corp. and Macy' Inc., which is the exclus purveyor of Tommi Hilfig in the U.S.

The compani wa schedul to host a confer call to discuss it result on Tuesdai morning.

accord to Thomson Reuters. The result also exceed the company' own forecast,PVH' result beat analysts' expect of earn of 79 cent a share exclud items. revis upward last month, of 80 cent a share in earn on revenu of $605 million to $610 million. The result and the estim didn't includ the impact of Tommi Hilfiger, which wa expect to add 20 to 25 cent to earn in fiscal 2010.

Mr. Chirico said "I am check the euro much more than I us to." Had the euro remain within the $1.30-1.35 rate as oppos to $1.24 todai the compani would have rais guidanc on the impact of Tommi Hilfiger.

busi is strong enough to maintain previou guidanc of 20-25 cents. "A ll thing be equal we would have rais our guidanc for Tommi to [adding] 30-35 cent per share" to fiscal 2010 earnings. As it stand right now.

the euro' plung hasn't had ani impact on European sales. "The order book for fall is up about 9%,Mr. Chirico said that thu far. so that' veri posit and much ahead of where we were plan it to be," he said. "I know there' a lot of nervous and anxiety, and rightfulli so with all the crazi go on in the world, but we haven't seen the busi impact on the ground."

