
Sestak's happy Monday

" he told the La Review-Journal. Western Combo "A nd she' veri electable.Kyl said he and Lowden have much in common. "Her view and mine ar quit close."

The pend announc of Solicitor Gener Elena Kagan' appoint to the Suprem Court will like prompt a new line of attack in the Pennsylvania Democrat Senat primary. Specter vote against confirm Kagan as solicitor gener in March of last year. He wa a Republican at the time and Sestak will sure want to remind Democrat primari voter of hi decision.

Rec poll have shown Sestak edg ahead of Specter with just over a week befor the Democrat primary.

Kyl: Chicken ar just a 'distraction'

Sen. Jon Kyl R-A riz push back against the suggest Washington Republican were worri about Sue Lowden s Senat candidaci dure a La Vega fundrais for her campaign Saturday.

" Kyl said when ask if the GOP wa worri about the chicken for checkup controversy. "That' a distract and I think peopl realiz that is not her plan for health care. She wa discuss a histor reality. But she wa not sai it' part of her health care plan."Heaven no."

Kyl added,Without mention Senat Major Leader Harri Reid Nev. by name. that is the kind of distract an oppon who doesn't have much to talk about will frequent create." 

