
Van Heusen Swings to Loss on Charge

the compani slightli click it or ticket begins today rais it full-year profit forecast,Look ahead. project earn in the rang of $3.55 to $3.65 a share, includ the impact of the Hilfig transaction. Previously, the rang of the forecast wa $3.50 to $3.58 a share, includ Hilfiger. The compani also predict that same-stor sales, or sale at store open at least a year, would grow between 4% and 5%, up from earlier guidanc of 2%-3% growth.

Chief Execut Emanuel Chirico said that even though store traffic wa down slightly,In an interview. more peopl were bui at higher averag prices. Sale were strong at all wholesal account in the U.S., he said, includ J.C. Pennei Co., Kohl' Corp. and Macy' Inc., which is the exclus purveyor of Tommi Hilfig in the U.S.

The compani wa schedul to host a confer call to discuss it result on Tuesdai morning.

accord to Thomson Reuters. The result also exceed the company' own forecast,PVH' result beat analysts' expect of earn of 79 cent a share exclud items. revis upward last month, of 80 cent a share in earn on revenu of $605 million to $610 million. The result and the estim didn't includ the impact of Tommi Hilfiger, which wa expect to add 20 to 25 cent to earn in fiscal 2010.

Mr. Chirico said "I am check the euro much more than I us to." Had the euro remain within the $1.30-1.35 rate as oppos to $1.24 todai the compani would have rais guidanc on the impact of Tommi Hilfiger.

busi is strong enough to maintain previou guidanc of 20-25 cents. "A ll thing be equal we would have rais our guidanc for Tommi to [adding] 30-35 cent per share" to fiscal 2010 earnings. As it stand right now.

the euro' plung hasn't had ani impact on European sales. "The order book for fall is up about 9%,Mr. Chirico said that thu far. so that' veri posit and much ahead of where we were plan it to be," he said. "I know there' a lot of nervous and anxiety, and rightfulli so with all the crazi go on in the world, but we haven't seen the busi impact on the ground."


A-Rod happy Braden beat Rays with perfecto

which includ Braden sai he " Cheap Wild West Bounce wasn't a fan of hi antics,Klapisch also report that Athletic gener manag Billi Bean admonish Braden dure a phone call after the lefty' latest comment on A-Rod." and that the mound cross "wasn't the first displai of hi lack of respect for the game, or those plai it.

burn hi name into the record book Sundai by author baseball' 19th perfect game. Dalla Braden just had extend hi 15 minut of fame indefinitely.

and A-Rod made sure it stai that way. The Oakland left-hander' April feud with Alex Rodriguez suddenli had been downgrad to obscur background nois behind thi extraordinari achiev against Tampa Bay.

it' alwai much better to be recogn for some of the great thing you do on the field,"A I learn in my career." Rodriguez said from the visitors' dugout at Fenwai Park, as the Yanke took bat practice."

good for him. He threw a perfect game,"You know." A-Rod said. "A nd even better, he beat the Rays."

Braden also drew the Yanke into a temporari tie atop the AL East stand befor a 9-3 loss to Boston on Sundai night push the Yank a half-gam back of the Rays. In make histori at Oakland Coliseum against Tampa Bay.

Braden beat the Yanke in Oakland,On April 22. 4-2. And after the game, he call out A-Rod for a sixth-in breach of on of baseball' unwritten rule of etiquett cross over the pitcher' mound dure an inning.

A-Rod wa shout at by Braden,For trespass across the mound on hi wai back to first base after a foul ball. who blast him after the game.

" said Braden,"You want to run across a mound? Go run lap in the bullpen. who ad that "it doesn't start and end with him over there at third."

Braden said,In explain hi rage at A-Rod in the moment. "If my grandmoth ran across the mound, she'd hear the same thing he heard."

A.J. Burnett -- who watch the final in with a few Yanke on a clubhous TV -- smile and said,Plai off that line. "I love you grandma, but don't you cross my mound!" as Braden wa shown embrac hi grandmother.

when Braden aim hi latest round of salvo at A-Rod which includ a threat of retali from the mound CC Sabathia label Braden "a clown" in an interview with The Record' Bob Klapisch. Just two dai earlier.

" Braden told CSNBayA rea.com,"We don't do much talk in the 209. a refer to the Northern California area code where he wa raised.

and I don't know what he' talk about,"That' where I'm from." Sabathia told Klapisch. "He just need to calm down -- put that in the paper. That' just tired."

at Oakland. The next meet between the Yanke and A' is Juli 5-7.

Sestak's happy Monday

" he told the La Review-Journal. Western Combo "A nd she' veri electable.Kyl said he and Lowden have much in common. "Her view and mine ar quit close."

The pend announc of Solicitor Gener Elena Kagan' appoint to the Suprem Court will like prompt a new line of attack in the Pennsylvania Democrat Senat primary. Specter vote against confirm Kagan as solicitor gener in March of last year. He wa a Republican at the time and Sestak will sure want to remind Democrat primari voter of hi decision.

Rec poll have shown Sestak edg ahead of Specter with just over a week befor the Democrat primary.

Kyl: Chicken ar just a 'distraction'

Sen. Jon Kyl R-A riz push back against the suggest Washington Republican were worri about Sue Lowden s Senat candidaci dure a La Vega fundrais for her campaign Saturday.

" Kyl said when ask if the GOP wa worri about the chicken for checkup controversy. "That' a distract and I think peopl realiz that is not her plan for health care. She wa discuss a histor reality. But she wa not sai it' part of her health care plan."Heaven no."

Kyl added,Without mention Senat Major Leader Harri Reid Nev. by name. that is the kind of distract an oppon who doesn't have much to talk about will frequent create." 


Immigration Debate Flares in Oklahoma

Oklahoma is far Wholesale Jumper Elephant from the border and home to fewer illeg immigr than much of the U.S. But thi heartland state ha emerg as the most aggress combat of illeg immigr alongsid Arizona, thank to a state lawmak who ha built hi polit career around the issue.

A rizona spark a nationwid controversi by approv a law last month that make it a state crime to be in the U.S. illeg and requir polic to question peopl thei stop about their immigr statu if there is reason to suspect thei ar in the countri illegally. On Sunday, U.S. Attornei Gener ...


Greek Week ends with pies in faces

he said. Wholesale Inflatable Beach It brought the commun togeth and unit us and our organizations. It wa the best wai to wind down the week.

then eat. If the team member did not try the concoct then thei got a pie in the faceDoubl Dare at McKinlei Mile challeng particip to the limit with dare combin of over 20 differ condiments. Greek Life teammat randomli choos a mix of two condiment to mix..

director of Greek Week Steer Committee,Carson Lance. said thei were go to us slime instead of pies, but when thei found out that it recip includ glue thei knew it might be too messy.

peopl were pi in the face when thei refus to eat the mixture. The competit also includ an obstacl course,Instead. a pie-in-the-p contest, and a who-can-eat-mor contest. There wa also an inflat tent for peopl to bounc in thank to Student Govern Association.

L said there wa a great turn out from dedic Greek Life chapters.

he said It wa fantast becaus we saw a lot of greek and non-greek students..

Greek Week commun servic coordin Austin Gerber said it wa a great wai to end the week with a low-kei event.


Two worker sai thei were taught to 'launch' kid on inflat ride

But that' the wai he show us."W honestli did not feel comfort do it."

Former employe of an indoor sale Pirates Bounce playground sai thei often oper a King of the Hill inflat the same wai a Wichita famili reportedli us it the dai a 5-year-old boi flew off the ride and died.

manag of Pure Entertainment,Th two male former employe a 17-year-old and a 19-year-old said Jess Zogleman. taught them and other employe how to oper the ride last year. The employe ask not to be identifi becaus of concern for their safeti and futur employment.

an annual event held in Novemb at Centuri II. Thei work more than a year for Moonwalk For Fun Inc.,Both said thei help supervis the King of the Hill unit at KidFest. which hold licens for equip us by Pure Entertainment.

and they'd go fly in the air,"H Zogleman told us to put the kid up on top and run into it and launch the kids." on former employe said.