
Amid outcry

Aime Higher ,Sale Inflatable Santa Th Weekli Standard articl and the fact that Daniels' polit action committee. is host a fundrais Mondai in Washington, D.C., have rais more specul that Daniel might be consid a presidenti run.

reflect how urgent he feel about other problem such as the economy,Daniel said the remark wa just a suggestion. nation debt, homeland secur and America' role in the world.

" Daniel said. "We might simpli try to come together. I think it will take that if we'r go to address what I believ ar the most urgent problem of the country."I pick the word truce becaus no on ha to chang their point of view. No on ha to surrender."

report in The Weekli Standard thi week in a flatter profile,Daniels' idea. rile some social conservatives.

a possibl GOP presidenti candid in 2012,Form Arkansa Gov. Mike Huckabee. said on hi websit that social issu ar moral issues, not polit issu or bargain chips.

and I'm veri disappoint that he would think that pro-lif and pro-famili activist would just lie down,"Governor Daniel is a person friend and a terrif governor." Huckabe sai on hi site befor ask for donat for hi polit action committee.

" Huckabe wrote. "But a strong leader is will to fight for and defend their principl while rise to meet new challeng and solv all of the exist system problem confront us."A strong leader doesn't need to focu myopic on on or two issues."

but hi idea of a truce won't hurt him if he should decid to run for presid in 2012,Daniel mai be take some heat. said Robert Dion, a professor of American polit at the Univers of Evansville.

" Dion said. "It make perfect sens for him to adopt a stanc that aim for what most American ar sort of secretli yearn for,"It' a veri appeal idea to try to ratchet down the unpleas and seek common ground. and that' a calmer tone and a littl more cooperation."

