
Or Regret It Later

The Travler' Gift for some time now. Inflatable Castle I also knew that he wa go to be at a confer I am attend next week. So,Thi last on here is on I realli wish I had listen to sooner. I've known about Andy Andrew' book. I knew I want to get it and have it read befor then, but I still kept put off the purchase. Then, he wa schedul to be on our Leadership Mastermind call a coupl of week ago. I want to have it in time, but I knew there wa no wai I could get it to me in time, not even with my Prime ship at Amazon. And I still procrastin anoth dai or two. I think I end up order it after the call. Well, it final came in and I let it sit on my kitchen tabl until late that evening. Finally, around 1:30 a.m. I decid to go to bed and read for a bit. Mayb a coupl of page or a chapter, but usual no more than that. Well, 80 page later and 4:00 a.m. after I had intend on stai up all night and read the whole book becaus it wa so good, my bodi final succumb to sleep. I've now finish that book and it ha touch me and impact my life so significantly, I realli wish I would have listen and gotten it sooner!

most of us have learn to tune that out and not listen to itEveryon ha that littl intuit voic insid them that keep guid them along the way. However..

I know I have at times. Case in point:

it' over night. I wa like yeah,I had alwai heard that when babi learn to walk. right, okay... Well, my son ha alwai been a littl slower in things, he wa born 5 1/2 week early. He also ha hi own time schedul to do thing, not adher to a standard chart. He wa probabl about 2-3 month later than other kid in crawling, and walk wa the same way. He would take 2 and 3 step in between things, and I thought it wa go to be forev befor he walked. Then on dai he start get dare and took 4 and 5 step between things. Later that afternoon, after never see him stand up without hold onto something, I saw him stand up in the middl of our back yard - in no man' land with noth to hold onto. The veri next day, he travel more than the entir length of the hous from corner to corner without touch anything. He went from a few step to walk all over the hous - overnight! I should have listened!

I had been told the Flip would do for a start camera by mani sources. Even a friend said that it wa good. I did not listen and thought I'd be all fanci and profession and get on of those expens camcorders. Sure thei would be better,When decid what camcord to purchase. right? Wrong! I went through both a Canon and a Soni and had to take both of them back. Our 4 year old Kodak digit camera that could take video as well did a better job with the white balanc and color. So, on my third try, I tri the Flip Ultra II. Lo and behold it worked! The white balanc and color wa perfect! I should have listen and save myself the extra trip back and forth to the store.

